Throughout the course in ENG 110 J, we have gone through revision strategies during the semester. My favorite active reading strategy is marking up the text with underlining and margin notes. With adding notes on the side, it makes it easier for me to remember my thoughts and for when I go back to the text, I won’t have to re-read a bunch of text, but mainly focus on the parts that stuck out to me and the pieces I thought were important. My favorite brainstorming strategies are writing down what comes to mind after reading all the material I am supposed to so I can start the process of setting up an outline. Again, this step helps me with getting out all my first reactions and thoughts. My favorite drafting strategy is to actually make an outline (with the help of looking back at my material and everything I marked up and quotes I highlighted or underlined. My favorite revision strategy is to get peer edits, my professor to look at my work, reading my own work outloud, and to keep looking back at my thesis to refer to that. With so many edits coming through, I usually have different color pens for each person, just because it makes it easier in my brain. Especially, so I can tell my edits and how they flow or may be different from who edits my paper. My favorite polishing strategy is take a fresh final copy of my paper that holds no edits or markings on it. With this, I will again read my work outloud and add or mark up any small edits here and there that it may need with a highlighter or pen. I have definitely found these strategies to help me outside of this course, as I can also apply it to other classes I am enrolled in. It helps me to read my work and interpret it as I am supposed to.