With doing this exercise, I did four different kinds of highlighting. The pink color is for when I was talking about my own opinion (“I believe” and “I agree”), the yellow is when it transitioned  into Ma or Lehrer talking about their beliefs (“he claims, he believes, he goes on, he just”), the green is sentence transitions, and the blue was for words or little phrases that I repeated.

As I was highlighting, I realized that I repeated myself quite a bit and for the most part, my transitions were bad and not as strong as they should be. Going further, I know to change them and highlighting definitely helped me to see this. I think I will keep the “bad” transitions as transitions, but change them to a different word or phrase. I feel like my transitions were to simple and I can definitely see where I could add more and make them stronger in general. For me, I feel like I used the words “art” and “science” more than other devices.